Bitzan has done several object books that place emphasis on the material quality as well as the symbolism of the book. "What Ion Bitzan wants to convey to us in his infinitely varied creation is the wonder that we should experience in books or in the act of reading. It is the wonder that children feel in front of that unique object - the book, unique, yet multiple, since it opens into itself in the successions of its innumerable pages. "There's nothing written on them!", a man had exclaimed at the close of an exhibition of Bitzan's work in New York: noticing the interest with which the public savored the endless variety of the artist's inventions...It is either nothing, or it is everything: a facsimile of exalting virtues..." said writer Dan Hăulică.
Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom.