Увійти Вийти

A mob of thieves had raided horses in the Romanian village of Izmall. Raised the alarm, the peasants chased and caught up with them. After a very fierce fight, with dead and wounded, the skidded horses were taken back by their masters

Achille Beltrame

A mob of thieves had raided horses in the Romanian village of Izmall. Raised the alarm, the peasants chased and caught up with them. After a very fierce fight, with dead and wounded, the skidded horses were taken back by their masters

Achille Beltrame
  • Оригінальна назва: Una Torma Di Ladri Aveva Fatto Una Razzia Di Cavalli Nel Villaggio Romeno Di Izmall. Dato L’allarme, I Contadini Li Hanno Inseguiti E Raggiunti. Dopo Una Zuffa Accanitissima, Con Morti E Feriti, I Cavalli Sbandati Sono Stati Ripresi Dai Loro Padroni
  • Дата: 1931
  • Cтиль: Ар нуво
  • Серія: Illustrations for 'La Domenica del Corriere'
  • Жанр: ілюстрація, батальний живопис
  • Купити репродукцію олією ручної роботи

Court Métrage

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