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Juelz Tintin

Juelz Tintin

Many artists create art to share their ideas, thoughts, and even personal experiences. Other artists may create artwork to send a message, and that message may evoke some sort of strong feelings and emotions within the audience. At times an audience may mention a piece of artwork is amazing, beautiful, or stunning, but many people may have different viewpoints on the purpose of the piece art. An image that is able to strike many emotions and have varying intentions is “Emotions in Abundance” by Juelz Tintin done with chalk pastel on strawboard. This image reveals the pain and struggles a mother goes through to express her love for her child.
Juelz Tintin is a Ghanaian artist who creates variety of artworks from portraits, landscapes, and creative illustrations. Juelz Tintin creates artworks that portray women, pain, and Ghanaian culture. In the image, “Emotions in Abundance”, a baby is shown feeding from the mother’s breast. The baby’s whole face is displayed, and only one of the mother’s breasts is shown. Juelz Tintin used a bunch of chalk pastel colours to create the images, but one can clearly see black, blue, orange and especially with brown colour dominating. The baby and mother’s skin looks dry and flaky as if they suffer from poor living conditions. The baby has tearing running down his face, which indicates he was crying before his mother nursed him. The mother has veins bulging from her breast. Her skin appears to be fading away as the baby feeds. Both the baby and mother’s skin colours are different in some areas.
Juelz Tintin for producing this image is to reveal the appreciation of women, mothers to be specific. He wants people to be more appreciative of these mothers because they go through a lot to make their children happy. Mothers will do anything necessary for the sake of their children. The pain these mothers endure is not comparable to anything.
Juelz Tintin revealed this image was derived from “pain”. Mothers experience pain from childbirth, raising a child by themselves if they have to, abortions, menstruation, and as depicted in this photo breastfeeding. Women in general also experience pain from backlash from their physical experience, abuse, and for doing things they want to do. By portraying pain women experience, the artist is trying to inform and evoke a feeling upon people that being a woman in general is not easy.

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Juelz Tintin Artworks
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