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Hillel Selznick

Hillel Selznick

Hillel Selznick is an abstract artist known for his brushstrokes and alternating colors. In his paintings, he is influenced by the colours, tones, and textures of the landscape and prefers to paint outside.

Throughout his 30-year career, Hillel Selznick has created an influential body of work. A painter who combines European painting traditions with American abstraction, he uses drama in his work with great visual delicacy. With stripes or layers of color arranged horizontally or vertically, his paintings achieve a fine balance between calm reflection and intrinsic vitality. 

Selznick creates physically compelling spaces characterized by concentration and care, which involve constant negotiation between monumentality and intimacy. Each rigorously composed piece carries an almost infinite number of expressive, emotional fluctuations, while the materials he uses are governed by the idea of humanity's improvement. He graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree.

In his paintings, Hillel Selznick combines reflection with vitality, making him one of the most influential abstract painters of our time. His paintings often feature stripes or layers of color arranged horizontally and vertically along an axis. The paintings maintain a refreshing calmness and delicacy due to this finely balanced approach.

Hillel Selznick has extensive experience in contemporary abstraction, creating powerful works that encompass a wide range of styles and personalities. Using European painting and American abstraction, he created a style that defines contemporary abstract art.

The artist uses acrylic paints, inks, watercolors, watercolor crayons, pastels, charcoal powder, collage, and oil bars, as well as acrylic paints and inks. Hillel's paintings are created using pours and glazes that are applied in multiple layers. For him, the most important aspect of a painting is what it does not reveal; only what it can suggest.

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Hillel Selznick Artworks
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