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Slavery, Inequality and Enmity

Chicote CFC

Slavery, Inequality and Enmity

Chicote CFC
  • Original Title: L'esclavage, L'inégalité Et L'inimitié
  • Date: 2016; Spain  
  • Style: Symbiotic Art
  • Genre: abstract
  • Media: digital
  • Dimensions: 70 x 87 cm

"Liberté, égalité, Fraternité" (liberty, equality and fraternity) as political football slogan born during the French Revolution and rapidly spread across Europe seems to have been in just a cluster of good intentions. The world has in general continued to develop and it seems that... would evolve...? but in what way... Seen the result not seems to have it made in line with them approaches that sought to those that a day is rose in weapons and gave its life by the establishment of such principles. Today the premise inflexible with which it agrees is "L'esclavage, l' inégalité et l'inimitie" (slavery, inequality, enmity). The productivism excusing is in the crisis world and in the need of undermine those costs has relegated to the individual to the work slave without just rights and to the bad remuneration. The obsessive political interests of a few dictatorial leaders have dragged into exile to the population of whole countries, plunging their territories in misery and infighting in the attempt to maintain the status of power in collusion with other leaders or even terrorist groups that establish empires of terror. The inequalities are abysmal and growing among the different strata, countries and continents. Some squander money aspiring to achieve colossi that blunt to heaven and others to dig precariously Subfloors in search of drinking water.
"New airs flying torches that extinguished the spirit of the living." Is rotten the foundations of freedom. This work is inspires based on the picture of "the freedom guiding to the people" of-Delacroix-in which highlights mainly the figure female of the freedom flying the flag of France. "Its forms (if the abstract) constitute the same image that the of said picture."

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Short Films