anmelden austragen

Add Artist

  • check out Wikipedia to find an article about the Artist. If the Artist is not present in Wikipedia, but you still think he/she is notable, contact us to verify it ([email protected]). Mind that we reserve the right to remove from our database the Artist you have added without further explanations
  • use SEARCH to browse our database and make sure we don't have the Artist you are planning to add
  • use ADD ARTIST menu item in the dropout menu

Edit Artist

  • use ACTIONS button on Artist's page and choose EDIT

Localize Artist

  • use ACTIONS button on Artist's page and choose TRANSLATE
  • choose the language

Add Artwork

  • choose or add the Artist
  • use ACTIONS button on Artist's page and choose ARTWORK

Add Several Artworks

  • Use MULTIPLE UPLOAD item from ACTIONS menu on Artist's page to upload more than one artwork at once (20 artworks max)

Edit Artwork

  • choose the Artwork
  • use ACTIONS button on Artwork's page and choose EDIT

Localize Artwork

  • choose the Artwork
  • use ACTIONS button on Artwork's page and choose TRANSLATE
  • choose the language