anmelden austragen

Frontespezio. A large plaque surmounted by a bust of Minerva in a garland of laurel, and leaning on two shelves with two large naked Michelangelo and the Roman she-wolf in a circle between them.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Frontespezio. A large plaque surmounted by a bust of Minerva in a garland of laurel, and leaning on two shelves with two large naked Michelangelo and the Roman she-wolf in a circle between them.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • Originaltitel: Frontespezio. Una grande targa sormontata dal busto di Minerva sotto un festone di alloro, e poggiata su due mensole con due grandi nudi michelangioleschi e la lupa romana in tondo fra di essi.
  • Stilrichtung: Neoklassizistismus
  • Genres: Design
  • Handgemachte Ölgemälde Reproduktionen kaufen
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Court Métrage
